Achilles Tendinopathy Resources
Please feel free to use these patient-friendly handouts for an exercise and education program that were created for a clinical trial, Tendinopathy Education on the Achilles (TEAch), that we recently completed at the University of Iowa. The handouts were designed to guide an individualized treatment progression over 6-7 visits led by a physical therapist. We are submitting the results of the clinical trial for publication, but in the meantime you can find more information about the study at (NCT04059146). Many thanks to our wonderful collaborators in Australia, including Dr. Ebonie Rio and Dr. Lorimer Moseley, and local pain scientists, Dr. Kathleen Sluka and Dr. Andrew Post, who helped develop this intervention. And we greatly appreciate funding from the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) who made these collaborations possible and the National Institutesof Health (NIH) for making these resources publicly available.
We are submitting the results of the clinical trial for publication, but in the meantime you can find more information about the study from our Protocal Paper
Just click/tap any link to download the participant handouts.
Pain Education and Progressive Tendon Loading Exercise Program